I DARE YOU! Relocate your inner mom A yellow duck with brown head and feet. A yellow ball is in the air and it's black background. A black and white photo of an object in the dark. A cartoon of a dolphin with its mouth open. A long white stick is in the dark. A pencil with a black tip on top of it. A red octopus with eyes drawn on it. A pink light is shining on the black background. A white triangle is shown on the black background. A logo for the national mom challenge.

About me

A group of three cartoon animals that are sitting on top of each other.

I'm Adelaide and this is my story...


In 2005 while advising a healthcare committee, the members summoned my newborn and I to rise up, declaring that we were the future of small business. Despite our ordeal their decree still stood. So, after we got trafficked I rewrote the rules. Homelessness didn’t break us. Even global child traffickers couldn’t hold us down. Let me begin by…

Questions and Answers

A parent or grandparent who co-works alongside their child

I asked God to give me a way to describe what I did by bringing my baby with me to corporate meetings from the womb. I explain why in the chapter of my E-Book titled, Child-free surveys say…

One had to cram all this stuff into one’s mind for the examinations, whether one liked it or not. This coercion had such a deterring effect on me that, after I had passed the final examination, I found the consideration of any scientific problems distasteful to me for an entire year.

Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist
Nobel prize winner

Equestrian, kayaking, imagining, creative writing, music, prayer, civics, woodworking, art, Bibles… these and so much more have been strategically removed from education. Left isolated and unprotected, Octoxic government parents can fixate on a child’s intellect at the expense of their purpose leading to the manipulation of their vulnerable souls. 

Condemned for life, even in preschool the most gifted are often the primary victims of unethical and compulsory experiments, adult pharmacy, etc. Still, they fight for high ground. Yet without the language to communicate their need it comes out in ways that irritate adults who don’t understand what they are seeing. Thankfully for Einstein and for us, his family protected his God-given gifts before academia could interfere.

Exhausting all their combined resources, it is at this point that the experts would reach out to me for help. Observing the issue from multiple sides led me to repurpose Frizzamyer, a catch all term that replaces the negative labels hurled against childhood, including autism.

3 quirky characters Octoxic, Twitter Platty and Porpocity that I imagined to help parents and children interact on high ground when discussing challenging topics without harming each other. I see them as 3 different levels of listening. And yes. They can work just as well at any age.

Since she was a toddler my daughter has been angry about how I describe one of the Parent Aqua Alters. But because she didn’t have the language to explain why she was so heated about it, that little one continued to grow but her development was stifled by this frustrating misstep of mine. My inability to distance myself from how involved this Parent Aqua Alter was in my upbringing, prevented me from providing you with a clear description. She is 19 at the time of this writing and only while developing this site did it begin to dawn on me what she was trying to say. The Holy Spirit was finally able to remove the cancer that I desperately clung to in my soul. Then I had eyes to see and ears to hear Him point me to the origin of the anxiety attacks and eczema I have lived with since elementary school and I’m now 60-yrs old yal! As a result of humbling myself in my Maker’s hand today I know both the source and the response. God rocks!!!

What we continue to be the most frustrated by holds the key to our purpose, indicating what we were created to improve in this realm. Freedom to thrive from the womb to the tomb is deeply personal to me. Post surgery this is what is finally clear.

Octoxic parenting behavior ranges from being self-absorbed to resulting in direct harm. Neither are from Heaven. Unity at home sets the tone. Yet, Octoxans are thoughtless when it comes to their children because that is how they were raised too. Created to be nurtured, the more they distance themselves from their little ones the harder they work for acceptance by anyone who will engage with them instead. This leaves them vulnerable to the infestation of predators overseeing American thought life through handheld tel-a-visions, installed with easy to access curriculum designed to lure them in. Each generation decides whether to leave the system in place by repeating the pattern of the purse. Overriding my bloodline I chose to submit to supernatural surgery to uproot it. So, I stand corrected by a toddler.

This parent type is all too common in our isolated culture raised with handheld technology that replaces family time together. I imagined Octoxic to give us a common language for our modern era. Most would not want to be associated with this Parent Aqua Alter. So, creating a common language for all of us to use makes it easy to level up for those who are willing to. And if I can reverse the harm done in my childhood to reach high ground for the sake of my legacy, can you imagine what is possible when we are speaking with one voice? You may be starting to notice that it isn’t Octoxic media but our choice to embrace it that has us turning against each other.

In the National Mom Challenge together we establish parenting best-practices that demonstrate how we move ourselves to high ground, where our children long for us to be. Then capturing those moments helps us to visualize what that looks like.

Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success and share. #CoWkSavesAChild

At the bottom of the page About Me you will see that parents and professionals have both endorsed my outcomes. But the one that matters most to me comes from my own daughter. I am Adelaide, the mom experts begged for help; from school districts, Children’s Hospital, government contractors, child psychiatrists, lawyers and others who found me online, long before I knew what Www even meant. My insight and authority are given to me by The Holy Spirit alone.

Imagining what has never been seen on earth required decades of prayerful research and development under fire, so I include sources in my E-Book that enable you to fact check me. As a lifelong learner I enjoy expanding my brain’s capacity.

As a nation of women this is the place where we relocate our inner mom. Using a common language the goal of the challenge is for us to become woke to Octoxic parenting curriculum. By deciding which of the 3 Parent Aqua Alters we are (Hint: Our children already know.) we are ready to acknowledge our mistakes and come into unity with our men, our children, ourselves and The Truth. At that point restoring our children’s legacy happens on autopilot.

Creating what has never been seen on earth required a lot of prayerful research and development under fire, so I include sources in my E-Book that enable you to fact check me. Getting up to speed on multiple perspectives of our human history keeps us informed and empowered. Otherwise, we’re easily indoctrinated on a global scale. This is where America 2.0 begins. Welcome to the revolution! #CoWkSavesAChild

When you decide to level up, using FREE video blogs, Relocate Mom Radio and a low cost E-Book Relocate Your Inner Mom you can do it yourself. These steps will also pre-qualify you for 4-weekly E-Book based group coaching sessions. So, if you find that the DIY approach isn’t meeting your need send me a note through the Contact form with what you have tried using these methods, along with how creating an alliance with me will help you relocate your inner mom. Be sure to include a photo of you beside the front cover as part of our promotion strategy and concierge will respond with next steps in the vetting process.

There are 2 tiers of coaching that I offer, and to prequalify for Tier 1 DIY is the first step in gaining access to (4) online E-Book based group coaching sessions for $495.

Message us

Share your heart

If today is your last day on earth, How will your children describe your legacy?

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What is your good name?


Paul C. Holinger, MD, MPH, What Babies Say….

Relocate Mom Radio

Relocate Mom Radio

David Getoff-the Nutritionist doctors turned to

even mentored me, brought me to his trainings and took the keynote stage at some of mine. Browse the vast library he gifted all of us David J. Getoff – Naturopath and Clinical Nutritionist: https://naturopath4you.com/

Finger nail scare

Join us inside the way back machine and enjoy one of our first radio shows as the original Genpreneurs. We created space to grow at our own pace setting a tone in our home-office that still works today. #CoWkSavesAChild 

Justin Donald-Warran Buffet of Lifestyle Investing…

What if you wrote the rules? Meet Justin Donald… Known as the Warren Buffet of Lifestyle Investing, Justin Donald pioneered deal structuring and disciplined Investment systems. In this segment my daughter and I probe his childhood influencers, CPA’s vs. Tax Strategists… and the mindset that empowers him. https://lifestyleinvestor.com/

Genpreneur practices small business strategies

Parent thought police criticized my right to homeschool my way. So, compare the skills she acquired to manage her own wealth vs. the T.V. commercials her peers were mastering solely in the interest of giant corporation sales. #CoWkSavesAChild 



Nations are waking up to Soros

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBvxWl7jXr0     His foundation’s recalibration to the global south reflects the failure of democracy promotion on the continent. The Soros organization is a philanthropy run by a single person: first George, now Alexander. OSF insiders long complained that the OSF agenda looked like a chaotic hodgepodge of George’s latest whims and fancies… Paul Hockenos, […]

Why do we pay those who hate our children?

Sacramento City School District is attacking Black and minority rights to choose. https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/education/article291610975.html Studied for decades suddenly the Octoxic government parent chose to threaten St. Hope’s existence by removing their right to hire, pay, recruit… Its time we stop failed schools! Their claim is that the school doesn’t do things the same way public schools […]

Who invited you?

  How this outsider views pediatrics As an advisor to medical practitioners, I was excited to learn all I could about those in a field generations in my family worshipped greatly admired. I asked them all to let me read their industry journals, since they didn’t. Call me a nerd, but I also enjoyed reading […]

Weighing in on sexualized America

If you think the United States has passed the point of no return think again, because no matter what Octoxic media tells you, Peter and the pedophiles are losing. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as it is called is massive in D.C., and around the country its a weaponized distraction that translates into: Youth/ young […]

Are we being cannibalized?

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   The Big Lie Ironically, this is only one among many quotes from Dr. King that blanket lawns on Capitol Hill. The 2nd most prominent sign I saw read, “Thank you Dr. Fauci!” Walking those neighborhoods for years in search of justice, […]

Parenting directs legacy and law


[Radio Show] Genpreneur practices small business strategies


Becoming the first Genpreneur


Could Octoxic schools be trafficking children globally?




America 2.0

Who should define the rules? Octoxic parents in the media, on Capitol Hill, in corporations, those controlling our children’s thought lives and ours…?   Corporations we work for In her column for the Epoch Times titled, “Why the future of work is hybrid” Samantha Flom points out that employers are losing the battle to keep […]

When China speaks for us


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In light of the poverty that existed in America being a more appropriate use of tax dollors, Dr. King called on us to revisit using… #CoWkSavesAChild 

How can I Spank Myself?

That‘s a Level II question if I‘ve ever heard one. How powerful! By taking… #CoWkSavesAChild 

Parent Soul Search

A fading voice inside of me was crying to be heard. While everyone was listening to… #CoWkSavesAChild 

Sample curriculum I created

Your parents have arranged a travel adventure in Ethiopia and you are blessed to have a… #CoWkSavesAChild 

Where did your joy go?

it had been a month since we arrived, and I was finally getting the fact that my child and I were not there to… #CoWkSavesAChild 

When the most powerful tell the truth

To paraphrase A. J. Liebling, freedom of the press belongs to those who…

What I should have known

…dad used to kind of always criticize my brother for staying at our home, and I never really…#CoWkSavesAChild 

Segregate or Integrate…

Establish house rules and employ tricks to deter kids from…

Thank you Daniel

Child abduction is part of what the D.C. Superior Court records accuse me of, yet International police never…

Think like a Genpreneur

I was so excited to be thought of in this way and thrilled to…

lords resistance army

Peter the pedophile brought a member of the lord’s resistance army (LRA) home to stay overnight. He helped him to…

Mommy and me have it out

I had been disobedient to my mom repeatedly that morning, and she was not willing to… #CoWkSavesAChild 

Do schools kill creativity


Rage ruled until Horton…

House Bill #71 mandates that the 10 Commandments, the Mayflower Compact… be restored… #CoWkSavesAChild 

Profile of a Predator’s wife

I watched her. No. I fixated on her words, her eyes… her every move. I was looking for where I…

Moms in divine alignment

It’s’ been said that the thing that bothers you most is a sign of where your…

Ethiopian homeschool adventure

Peter the pedophile left my daughter and I penniless in Ethiopia even though…

Menses, morning sickness and menopause

These 3 m’s have a lot in common. Right? But are they truly our female rite of passage, or…

Fed up with religion

One Sunday morning I was so fed up with religion, that I stood up in the middle of a sermon and yelled…

Avery T Willis Jr.



This empowering movement launch by a grandmother prompted school superintendents to…

Make ours a happy family Super Nanny!

Failing homeschool, teaching themselves while raising their younger siblings… all culminate in a perfect storm when…

Your words attract them

Some say it is just dust particles in the air. Similar theories were used to explain why…

Predators are predictable

Can you spot the one at this birthday party? Hint: He is the only uninvolved adult with his…

Octoxic parenting override

After overcoming what we had to, and in my experience studying war with The Holy Spirit I…

How Muslims strengthened my faith

We spent most of her childhood inside a sharia law court building labeled “civil” in a region of the world where…

David Getoff-the Nutritionist doctors turned to

even mentored me, brought me to his trainings and took the keynote stage at some of mine. Browse the vast library he gifted all of us David J. Getoff – Naturopath and Clinical Nutritionist: https://naturopath4you.com/

Debunking the autism myth

Last I checked California held the record of diagnosing the most…

Finger nail scare

Join us inside the way back machine and enjoy one of our first radio shows as the original Genpreneurs. We created space to grow at our own pace setting a tone in our home-office that still works today. #CoWkSavesAChild 

Justin Donald-Warran Buffet of Lifestyle Investing…

What if you wrote the rules? Meet Justin Donald… Known as the Warren Buffet of Lifestyle Investing, Justin Donald pioneered deal structuring and disciplined Investment systems. In this segment my daughter and I probe his childhood influencers, CPA’s vs. Tax Strategists… and the mindset that empowers him. https://lifestyleinvestor.com/

Genpreneur practices small business strategies

Parent thought police criticized my right to homeschool my way. So, compare the skills she acquired to manage her own wealth vs. the T.V. commercials her peers were mastering solely in the interest of giant corporation sales. #CoWkSavesAChild 

Genesis and the Genpreneur


Your words attract them


Not like us by Kendrick Lamar
