In Glasgow
Writing for the Scottish Daily Express, Ben Borland reports on the expulsion of massive numbers of teachers without warning or assessment of the decision’s impact. If the wellbeing of children were of interest, would they spring it on parents right while they are preparing for back-to-school?
Glasgow City Council is suddenly in dispute over it resulting in parent protests. Yet, Borland’s article leaves important questions unasked. Like, if teachers are as disposable as rubbish, what were these Octoxic government parent’s true intentions to begin with? Instead of being prosecuted why are they still employed?
What Octoxans have done behind closed doors on European soil, is also being duplicated in America.
Zigler, founder of Head Start was born to poor parents from Europe which could have led him to improve conditions for others like him. But as mentioned in the column titled Do schools kill creativity his own words prove that was never his intention. Targeting immigrant children whose parents now come to America from far worse conditions to be handed free toiletries, experimental food and more they have no clue. Public school was not the result of American ingenuity, but the distorted imaginings of Zigler who was denied this God-given right to justice and freedom. Imported to dumb children down, it is still predictably accomplishing that end.
Attending high level committee meetings while in private practice, I interacted with more than a few foreigners who hate our freedom while put in charge of our tax dollars in so called “conservative” San Diego.
What I have not seen happen is parents or child end-users asked about their experience with the quality of services they receive. Providing a well oiled government playbook (see page 5) to pass any agenda, beyond the impressive titles of those we allow to control our children, our focus should be on their character and beliefs.
During a childcare planning meeting the question arose over what to do with tax dollars that hadn’t been spent with the fiscal year about to end. When I saw they didn’t know how to answer I asked why they weren’t bringing parents to the table to decide the use of the excess funds for their own children. Here is how the most famous name in San Diego childcare at the time responded to me.
When there is a crisis, we handle it. When the crisis is over, we return power back to the people.
Paul Van Veen, T.V. News Producer
Suddenly appointed Childcare Umbudsman for Southern California
Why? We are not engaging authoritative parenting. We act like we are not a Judeo-Christian country that God established and elevated so high that it has caused people from around the world to flee their own homelands for ours. In America we unknowingly sign Octoxic parenting contracts instead of vetting and preselecting who should be granted the privilege of signing ours. But as failed schools increase, those who protect our enemies instead of our children are exposing themselves.
In Florida
Writing for a publication called the Flagler Live, Pierre Tristam says parental rights is a cult. It is a tortured read waiting for him to meander around his bias before landing somewhere. Except for his belief that our right to choose is akin to “religious swindling”, the point worth noting is that the shutdown got millions involved in what their children were being taught online, and now that they are woke, the power of the purse is “demolishing public schools.”
In New York
Things are also escalating in New York. According to Susan Edelman with the New York Post another failed experiment caused a steep decline in math scores city wide. From the Superintendent to the Chancellor, leadership is fully onboard with this $34 million academic assault on our children sparking debate over corporations immigrating intelligence to replace us. No wonder school choice has been attacked for decades. Blindfolded we can beat educators and they know it, and in our absence lust continues to drive them.
What bothers me is there’s only one year of results in a pilot and it doesn’t look good” Instead of pausing and analyzing what doesn’t work, we’re going to double down.
Deborah Kross, CCHS President
In Fairfax
Kicked out of their countries, Octoxic government parents open our borders to the world’s most violent criminals. The unaccounted for millions of children being exploited here and from around the world because of it is staggering. Tax payers in a single school district have been sent a tab of nearly a billion dollars, while the money they make from this slave trade is incalculable. According to Stephanie Lundquist-Arora, writing for the Washington Examiner the results show 1 in 4 high schools are failing.
Along with hiding behind walled in classrooms dumbing our children down with them, those like Tristam and others who are out of touch with their end users are trying to invent new ways to atrophy in place.
Our agenda needs to engage bringing them to justice for the harm caused to our most vulnerable, as well as to the innocent little ones trafficked inside our border that they also exploit.
I’m Adelaide. Thanks for joining me.
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