If you think the United States has passed the point of no return think again, because no matter what Octoxic media tells you, Peter and the pedophiles are losing.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as it is called is massive in D.C., and around the country its a weaponized distraction that translates into:

  • Youth/ young adults committing the most suicides
  • Enemies controlling our children in schools
  • Chinese communist media rewiring their brains
  • Males overtaking females in sports
  • Males raping girls in female bathrooms
  • Global gangs running our police stations
  • Law enforcement raping children in public
  • pedophiles teaching preschoolers in libraries
  • Giant corporations actively working against us
  • predators running the U.S, her embassies, her military…



Yes. We are surrounded, and that makes our target easy to identify as Kevin Stocklin with the Epoch Times points out. https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/amid-public-shareholder-backlash-some-major-corporations-drop-dei-policies-5717689?utm_source=Morningbrief&src_src=Morningbrief&utm_campaign=mb-2024-09-05&src_cmp=mb-2024-09-05&utm_medium=email&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY%2FAudAcEzOHa6b8BvWRNDrl1xg0NKCQzJRE9DPNpMdO3K1p8Bb26

Corporations are running scared because we are finally becoming woke. Why? We are taking back the narrative and exercising the power of our purse. Since the plan-demic the list of giant corporations feeling the heat and backing away from predatory behavior is growing.

  • Ford Corporation
  • Tracker Supply
  • John Deere
  • Harley-Davidson
  • Polaris
  • Indian Motorcycle
  • Lowe’s
  • Molson Coors…


The rapid succession, the way it’s occurred, there’s almost a cascade effect going on.

Jerry Bowyer, President, Bowyer Research

Conservative investment consulting firm


On that note the National Mom Challenge is about having the uncomfortable conversations that lead to getting our legacy back. To that end I invite you to listen to this podcast with Jay Stringer and get ready to shift the language in your soul around why men turn to destructive sexual behavior when Jay opens up about his own. The answer to this multi-pronged assault on the soul may surprise you.  https://www.faithdrivenentrepreneur.org/podcast-inventory/2019/10/8/sexual-brokenness-jay-stringer. There is help so stop isolating! https://www.heartofaman.org/

Make no mistake our children need us to lead by example. So, check your own behaviors around sex for where your legacy also needs to be leveled up.

In a presentation that did that for me, one of my spiritual mentors, Pastor Nancy Dufresne shared an analogy from her book, The Greatness of God’s Power that I submit to you in considering your response to this National Mom Challenge.

We don’t have in America a sport called bull fighting… but other countries do… You have a matador to go out there to fight that bull. He doesn’t go out there alone. He goes out there holding a distraction… to get the attention of the bull. Why? So, the bull won’t notice the guy holding it. He goes after this that he’s holding out there. This is the way the devil works. he will influence someone to say something wrong, do something wrong against you, hoping you won’t notice him, but you’ll charge the person… That’s why Paul says… Don’t go after flesh and blood. The flesh and blood is only being influenced by another source. Go after the source. And you wanta kind of tell the bull a little bit of insight. ‘Bull you keep going after this cape… every time you charge the wrong thing that matador slides a sword into the shoulder… He’ll be struct time and time again, multiple times… because he was distracted and went after the wrong thing… You don’t want the matador to die but counsel the bull. Bull if you’ll move over about 2 feet you hit the dude holding the cape. That’s the one striking you… This is what Paul is telling you. Don’ strike the people that the devil is using to distract you. Go after the dude holding up the distraction. Principalities, powers… they’re using people… every time you go after the wrong one you get struck, because the devil will strike you with offense, unforgiveness, bitterness cause you’re going after the wrong thang.

Pastor Nancy Dufresne, President, World Harvest Church

President of Fresh Oil Fellowship and Author

International Television Producer

Crowned Miss Oklahoma in 1984

International Speaker who co-works with her children



As a nation of women this is the place where we relocate our inner mom. By deciding which of the 3 Parent Aqua Alters we are (Hint: Our children already know) we level up into best parenting practices and take down the enemy who dares to stand in the way of our children ‘s purpose and ours…


Relocate your inner child? That day is dead! Join the revolution at www.NationalMomChallenge.com and relocate your inner mom. I dare you! Aligned with purpose? Engaging best parenting practices? Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success & share #CoWkSavesAChild.

I’m Adelaide. Thanks for joining me.