… they’re aware of my Herculean work ethic… but they also know deep down that if push came to shove, there would be no choice; it would always be them… I never close the door on them when I’m rehearsing. They can come and sit in my lap. They can interrupt me if they need to. I’ve never wanted them to feel they were competing with music for my attention…
Renee Fleming,Internationally renowned Soprano
From the book Goddess Shift
Edited by Stephanie Marohn
America post plan-demic
The European world is being shattered by those crossing Western borders unvetted, including in America. Since we haven’t been willing to educate ourselves on our own laws, and teach them to our children we voted in Octoxans who force us all into their global glob of goo. Only authoritative parenting in The Holy Spirit will restore sanity taking our children off the endangered list.
I am not an immigrant, but what it took to return to America after protecting my child from high ranking U.S. and global traffickers was miraculous. In the process I spent years living with immigrants from around the world, who like me want better for their families and are willing to give everything to see that happen. So while we are deciding whether America is worth the effort it will require to restore our homeland or loose it, know that we need each other now more than ever.
America pre-plan-demic…
When TakeOurSonsandDaughterstowork.org was first launched it prompted Octoxans who ran schools around the country to rise up against professional parents. They only get payed based on the number of children in desks, so they masked it with language that distracts from their real agenda for all. What they fear is the rise of the Genpreneur. In unity we beat their results blindfolded. And in this era where failed schools are on the rise worldwide the National Mom Challenge couldn’t come at a better time.
Public educators saw the handwriting on the wall and I welcomed any of them who thought they could compete with the outcomes in my home office.
What was shocking was the number of parents who also lashed out, proving how far removed their hearts were from their most vulnerable.
After one radio interview, another host asked if I would come on her show and describe how I worked beside my daughter saying,
Do you realize how many moms are trying to figure out how to do the exact same thing?
Intensity of focus on what matters most drove everything I put my hand to. Webster calls this autism. When that same radio host and I had arranged an interview, I told her that I had another appointment to get to. She had been patiently waiting, and it was time to watch my daughter practice tennis. Rather than being offended, the interviewer was in awe of my priorities. More importantly my child beamed to hear that her agenda was equally esteemed. The look on her face rewarded me for my priorities and increased my capacity to lead with love.
I’m Adelaide. Thanks for joining me.
P.S. Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success & share #CoWkSavesAChild.
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