Octoxic parenting class

I watched her. No. I fixated on her words, her eyes… her every move. I was looking for where I went wrong.

Their dialect told me they were from a region where pedophilia was so common it has its own terminology and common culture. I had a unique interest in their dynamics. I was raised by a pedophile that my mother invited into her house. Then for decades I shared my pillow with Peter the pedophile, and was searching for answers to how it was possible that I didn’t know it. I was looking for insight into my own behavior.

We were riding the same bus. There they were, father, mother and son. What drew my attention was the disgust on her face. Then it switched to a fake smile, and even the pretense of ignorance… Clearly that woman wasn’t comfortable with their interactions even though this was first normalized by their god, who raped a preschooler from the land of Israel and called it marriage. Only they NEVER talk about how that “union” came to be. These details caught my attention because it was also where we were trafficked. I met no one who took issue with trafficking or child abuse. Their only question was, “Did your husband convert to islam?”

For all these reasons, I meditated on the mom’s reaction to her husband and little boy play in openly sexual ways. Never once addressing her husband, at one point she told the little boy to stop. The child and the father ignored her so she turned away from them. Pretending to herself that her facial expressions might have an impact she used a range of disgusted gestures all of which were ignored, until her ultimate stance, when she got up and moved away from them. They stopped briefly to watch, then he began more openly touching dad’s genitalia on public transit. Mom never turned toward them again and their play escalated without her disturbing glances.

In the absence of the church’s involvement, children like me are isolated and ignored, making it easier for people of earth to bring their gods and practices to our shores. The predators we send to Capitol Hill, and others in positions of authority over us are coming out of the closet. I observed a police officer rape a child in broad daylight inside Union Station in D.C. as a foreigner unconcerned moved past them as if nothing was wrong. Theirs are not Christian nations, and it was Obama who declared ours was no longer one either.

Forced organ harvesting

When the Biden-Harris administration recaptured the White House we saw footage of small children being raped, infants thrown in the water, a toddler thrown over the border wall and on and on at our own borders. Homeless and neither a pastor nor someone with a platform, still extremely left leaning staffers in D.C. who voted them both in began rethinking their choice. Approaching me with pain and regret they asked why the church didn’t care. Even those extremely liberal minded never imagined Christians in America turning their back on the horror this administration unleashed. I wasn’t surprised by any of it because they came for my child years earlier. Only they had to go through me and when they tried I became woke.

Rarely are the generations given an aerial view of how their customs originate, including in the U.S. Our children have no idea how the rest of the world lives, or why our blessings keep them flooding here. They aren’t taught history, our founding, our freedom or how to get any of it back. Not because so much gross darkness exists. Our choices empower Octoxic parenting in education, media, medicine, government, entertainment, finance… and our handlers are determined to keep it that way.

I have often wondered why God chose me to experience broad brush strokes across many cultures and industries in ways that most don’t get access to.

Some from the continent of Africa were once enslaved on this soil, as were my Choctaw ancestors, so I never imagined my daughter and I being counted among them again in this 21st century, but then Peter and the pedophiles never imagined my ability to bust the global chains they tried to ensnare us with.

satan will suggest something… it is your job to answer it. It is not your job to go to a counselor and talk it out, because when you talk it out you are letting it in. Every time you talk about the past you are updating it.

Pastor Nancy Dufresne


After studying the mom on the bus, I can boldly say that behavior has no part in me. Instead of where I was stuck, in my E-Book I describe how I overcame horrific circumstances to protect my child. As a result, and despite how bad it seems for you and your child, you can engage in best parenting practices too.

Relocate your inner child? That day is dead! Join the revolution at www.NationalMomChallenge.com and relocate your inner mom. I dare you! Aligned with purpose? Engaging best parenting practices? Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success & share #CoWkSavesAChild.

I’m Adelaide. Thanks for reading.