Dean Rowan, Lin Brasier, her husband Steve, Peter the pedophile’s supervisors, co-workers, their spouses along with his “church” all worked together to put my child into their sex trafficking ring. Sheikas (female members of the royal family) unknowingly brought their children to Lin’s house while they were having their makeup done. By only doing what God initiated with the help of the Muslim people, I snatched my baby girl from their grip.

Suhaila A. R. Toorani, Peter’s Barrister did not know American law and none of the Judges we faced in their courts spoke in English. She made my child cry repeatedly, threatened and slandered us both in the courtroom, and after twenty-five 25-years of marriage at that point, made up false testimony that got Peter a divorce and custody without mediation, alimony, child support, retirement, back pay, compensation… for all our pain and suffering, while pretending to apply California law. How? Under sharia law women are only ½ human. So having an American man willing to compensate her well for her child trafficking services, she became his personal handmade.

Here are some of the rapid-fire questions Suhaila used to interrogate my then 10-year-old child in and out of the courtroom:

  • “Why is your mother sad?”
  • “Why won’t she talk to me?”
  • “Don’t be afraid. You can talk to me. I’m your aunt.”
  • “Do you want your parents to get a divorce?”
  • “Don’t look at your dad! I’m talking to you!”
  • “How is school?”
  • “Who is your best friend?”
  • “This child is a liar!”…


Child Protection Centre counselors refused to record what my daughter reported to them about Peter’s emotional and neglect, physical, sexual abuse and extreme physical neglect of her. Offering to translate it into Arabic for me, Fatima Abdulla, the Psychologist they referred us to asked for a copy of our story, then spent over an hour in private trying to forcefully persuade her to go back to Peter.

After all, he is still a human being! 

I talked to Peter personally and he loves you and wants you back…


You are reading the tactics common among predators trained in pediatrics, who break down innocence before trading children in exchange for financial or other favors. The U.S. military school in Bahrain, and the United States Embassy under the Obama-Biden administration blatantly supporting Peter’s predatory posture toward us, replacing U.S. law with islamic rules in our case. The Muslim police officer hit the nail on the head when she said it was “magic” that was happening to us, because at every turn we took U.S. law was suspended.

U.S. Department of State Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons Report, June 30, 2016, Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, Div, A of Pub. L. No. 106-386, 108, as amended.

(2) For the knowing commission of any act of sex trafficking involving force, fraud, coercion, or in which the victim of sex trafficking is a child incapable of giving meaningful consent… the government of the country should prescribe punishment commensurate with that for grave crimes…

Bahrain, a small Island where nearly every local knew the next because many were related. Muslims came to expect Americans to stay isolated among themselves. Even living in a foreign country rarely were they willing to befriend the natives, especially faithful church goers who they welcomed. It was so rare that they often asked why I was willing to live among them. So, when Suhaila Toorani, Peter’s lawyer started spilling her guts to Nadia accusing me of doing to my child what Peter the pedophile did, she never imagined that she was talking to my closest Muslim friend.


Relocate your inner child? That day is dead! Join the revolution at and relocate your inner mom. I dare you! Aligned with purpose? Engaging best parenting practices? Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success & share #CoWkSavesAChild.

I’m Adelaide. Thanks for reading.