These 3 m’s in the title have a lot in common. Right? But are they truly our female rite of passage, or could one or more of these things not belong here? Allow my personal experience to challenge the Octoxic curriculum you cling to.


Part of an in-home exercise program with a network of women business owners, the instructor shared how she regulated her cycle. When she was on vacation or any other times when it was inconvenient she used her mind to make it stop and restart on her terms. Forced to use this skill when she was giving birth, the midwife told her they would have go to the hospital if the bleeding continued. So, she forced her body to obey entirely avoiding medical intervention.

In the video mom knew more than the pediatrician. Nicki easily described her observations of her own child then did her best to follow her lead in seeking help. Decades ago, I learned about this phenomenon called “precocious puberty” while doing research in the database at the local hospital district I worked for. By labeling what was not normal, industry hoped to generate a new stream of income using you to take their commercials directly to your doctor, their front-line marketing team. This is a slight of hand trick that keeps us focused on a distraction while their other hand expands generational loyalty while increasing pharmacy sales. Yet the news segment spoke to our food choices and the containers we store it in, neither of which require drugs.

In the E-Book Relocate Your Inner Mom I provide sources that let you verify the aborted baby body parts in the ingredients the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) hides from you in plain site. Our unborn are blended right into your favorite processed food and pharmacy. Cannibal cultures have long been studied for their derangement. Do your own research into the countries that embrace the murder of infants and unborn, and then eat them. I was sickened by these barbaric rituals now being done to all of us, compared to the majority of nations that refused it. The difference in the U.S. is we trust and never verify. This helped me better understand the Octoxic parenting narrative that teaches us to fixate on “a woman’s right…” “my body my choice”… These slogans pretend that daddy’s and babies are non-existent, causing us to pick a side in their theater. As a result, reports show we are now at our lowest birthrate since the 70’s when U.S. law turned against our most vulnerable, while most of the planet celebrates them. Our exchange student had to recalculate her age before she was allowed to attend classes in the U.S. due to this. Octoxans know when we come into unity its game over for them.

The actors in the show above are given misleading a misleading script that creates an impression in our minds that the issue the child in the video is facing can be resolved inside a news segment. When it comes to our family the protocols of The King reveal the cure. Truth goes much deeper than a 2-minute clip.

Morning sickness

When I was 16-yrs old and pregnant I was sick a lot. All I heard what that it was normal and in time I would be fine. I took it for granted that those who had gone before me knew what was best for me too, so I quietly endured it.

But when I got pregnant with my 2nd born at 40 I wasn’t having it. On the 3rd day my research kicked in and by morning it stopped permanently. I knew my body and what made it smile and with a baby on the way it simply meant upping my normal food intake strategy and playing full out for the two of us. My mentor got me started and my interview with David Getoff is available at Relocate Mom Radio.

Rather than sporadically, I made vegetable juice daily, cucumber, carrots, ginger, beets… Whatever I felt like. Organic ingredients from farmer’s markets became my constant companions. I cooked using ingredients I could see that lacked additives and enhanced vitamin and other add ins. That required avoiding most of the middle isles in the grocery store, a place where I also conducted tours for teens. After she was born along with the basics, I continued the same vitamin brand that optimized our physical health in my womb and while breastfeeding.

Along with a dark colored, liquid, whole leaf stevia that brand of vitamin that had no chemicals and massive concentrations of nutrients has been removed from store shelves. The replacement that is readily available for purchase has been perverted into a clear liquid or a white powder reduced in potency and curative power.

A large animal vet showed me how farmers use heavy concentrations of high-quality vitamins to keep animals alive long enough to generate sales, otherwise there wouldn’t be any cows or pigs in your grocery cart. They’d all be dead because their God-given food sources have been removed from them too. As women we keep allowing corporations to remove nutrients from our food to create disease in our bodies through the collective power of our purse.


The first time I listened to a group of older women share their experience of going through menopause I was repulsed, and rather than embrace it like I did morning sickness, I immediately rejected its right to impact me. My body. My choice. Now in my 60’s and no longer menstruating, I cannot tell you when the transition took place because I never experienced it. What we choose to believe is based on the company we keep, so I choose to keep leveling up.

Can you imagine what’s possible when you stop entertaining Octoxic parenting perspectives? Got your own story of how you overcame any of these false narratives? We want to hear about it.

Relocate your inner child? That day is dead! Join the revolution at and relocate your inner mom. I dare you! Aligned with purpose? Engaging best parenting practices? Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success & share #CoWkSavesAChild.

I’m Adelaide. Thanks for joining me.