Motherhood in my teen years

I was mind controlled from the womb, and it was reflected in how I raised my son as a teenager. Even though he got the best I had during those years, beside loving him and enjoying being his mom, at every turn I was reminded that I didn’t know what I was doing.

When his first word at 9 months was, “THIS!” it should have stirred me to research where to find help but I was paralyzed by inadequacy and overwhelming incompetence. Scrambling to discover what he needed from me, I came up short. Since he was severely premature he was tested in clinical settings regularly. That combined with experts insisting I use formula they made money from, instead of breastmilk that was free, there was no way his body should have been perfect, nor his IQ place him solidly in the range of genius. But that’s God!

Yet, because he was born to a Black, teenage, single mother and those who kept testing him over the years were neither, I watched the biases turn to shock on their faces followed by an unwillingness to help me understand how to respond. I also had no idea of the right questions to ask before allowing them to give me input. It was a mess that didn’t self- correct. Which of the 3 Parent Aqua Alters was I?

He graduated valedictorian of his preschool never doing a shred of homework and spending most of his time with the owner watching how she did her tasks, playing with their dog that came to school with them, or whatever they could to keep his brain active. I will always hold a treasured place in my heart for that business owned by a family of Korean Christians, who warned me to be careful where I took him next. They taught him a crazy fun math method that I soon got lost in. Take the number 1. The way he learned to count was by seeing that it only had one line, so you count it as the #1. Next the number 2. Now you see a number that has two points on both ends so when you count them you get the #2. Since 3 has three points, when you count them you will see that they all line up in a vertical row, and so on. The rules become more complicated as the numbers increase and he mastered it immediately.

Legally they were forbidden to tell me what they would do in my shoes. So, downhill his grades and motivation went year after year, until Peter the pedophile, a wolf in sheep’s clothing seized the opportunity to step into the gap, pretending to be a youth pastor.

What has any of this got to do with becoming a Genpreneur? Everything! Just like many of the rules of engagement we deploy in this election season, whether we like it or not our choice decides the course of our nation and family and beyond.

Motherhood in my 40’s

One morning my hiking team challenged me with what I would do once my daughter was born. My son was 23-yrs old, and it hit me that I still didn’t have a strategy. To answer their questions and my own about how to overcome what I missed with him, I went through one client file after another grappling with each one of their core issues, analyzing them from every possible angle. Out of it came terms like the 3 Aqua Alters, Frizzamyer… ultimately Genpreneur all culminating in this National Mom Challenge. As a result, you are now able to use my learning curve to level up your own legacy.

It took decades to see the layers of deception that surrounded me. Still, I didn’t make a move until my daughter finally spoke about what Peter the pedophile was doing to her, causing over 30-years of marriage and motherhood to collapse in seconds.

As disheartening as it was to be clueless of my 9-month old’s cry for help, the feelings of loss, helplessness, sobriety… were much more painful the 2nd time around. In fact, a threat against my children was the only thing that engaged every part of my body, brain and spirit being.

How God led me through crisis to the real me

There has to be more importance to your “why” beyond wealth generation before what you do can be called success. Justin Donald’s podcast with his long-term friend Brad Johnson revealed a few lessons from the unique challenge of launching a venture with those you love.

Going into business with someone close to you can quickly surface sides of your character you didn’t know needed improvement. You can check out that podcast here… 

My professional and personal learning curve got accelerated while co-working with my little one. Whether paying more attention to her subtle cues or allowing space for her to have 1.5 tantrums in public with no interference, my “why” got much more clearly defined and my time streamlined with her beside me. Those formative years set the tone for our approach on multiple continents, even while being trafficked.

Surprisingly, our circumstance went unnoticed because of it, while the number of my critics grew. The few who needed to know were in utter disbelief. Like when she interviewed the largest publisher in the region who asked to make hers the face of a new project he was developing, until he learned we were being trafficked that is. I was that driven to create curriculum wherever we found a place to sleep, hide, wait, run… In a decade of life or death movements, I was NEVER distracted. My “why” was that powerful.

Having the benefit of hindsight my client families helped to refocus me. I went from wanting to commit suicide after a coaching session to being the parent I wanted to have.

Seeing Justin’s humility as a member of his mastermind continues to impact me so much that my daughter and I interviewed him, and you’ll find our conversation on our website under Relocate Mom Radio. See if you can figure out which Parent Aqua Alter he is when you listen to us.

Spending time as friends early on, Justin and Brad concluded that its best to work with those they also want to do life with. This concept also drove my choices starting out and still does, whether choosing her teacher, my clients, or a mentor for myself. Putting my beliefs into practice to become the original Genpreneur taught me that co-working with my daughter required a high level “why” forcing God and family to the top of my list of priorities.

Brad shared the Johnson family values, when Justin talked about the cross over he saw in applying them to family and business. And of course I adapted them for our use around here. See what you take-a-way from the list I adapted.

National Mom Challenge members:

  • Get uncomfortable and do hard things
  • Have each other’s backs like a family in unity
  • Speak in love and check in with each other
  • Provide a safe place for “why” and then the how-to
  • Make memories and celebrate wins together
  • Stand up for things we believe in with 1 voice
  • are leaders who reverse child and family injustice
  • Own our mistakes and quickly make things right
  • Access and exercise authority in Heaven on earth

The news is the report for the unsaved. The Word is the report for God’s people.

Pastor Nancy Dufresne


Their podcast put words to how we lived under fire. The power of my trust in The Holy Spirit to honor me based on how swiftly I obeyed goes beyond words to describe our outcomes. Miracles surrounded us. I desperately searched for anyone else under similar circumstances who thrived. All I found were the deceased and others who barely survived. Watching movies and living in shelters with those like us who were trafficked I sat with no one else who overthrew it. That bothered me so much that it is now part of my “why” for our members. While I lived with those who the media profiles, I’ve more often met and learned about untold millions you will never hear mentioned, from surgeons and all manner of physicians, business owners and others whose children have been removed using illegal court orders across the country. The list of those who have been jailed for non-compliance and their devastated family members is in the 10’s of millions. Some of whom my daughter and I have sat across the table from or been on zoom calls with empower me. Many once at the top of their game, are now barely coherent and we now join our voice to theirs in the National Mom Challenge. What matters in this election season is, based on their actions in officer, where do Harris and Trump stand on this issue?

I was rejected by every judge under islamic law, and then every lesser law enforcement authority before qualifying to submit our case to the U.S. Supreme Court. Not one judge took interest or allowed us to be heard. What shocked me was finding them to operate exactly the same as if we were still in the Middle East, threatening me with orders of imprisonment if I did not turn my child over to Peter the pedophile. Under islamic law a female is only half human. That comes with a lot of evil that I witnessed firsthand in Bahrain. But I never expected it to be repeated to the letter on Capitol Hill. All the judicial officials I stood before were fully committed to the predator’s right to choose. Peter warned me of this when he said, “No one will help you [in D.C.].” Why? Those controlling the U.S. Capitol are fully aligned with him and have been for decades. As my blog with the same name as his Nobel Prize winning lyrics, explains they are Not like us by Kendrick Lamar.

I’m not praying for a move of God. I am a move of God!

William Booth, Founder of the Salvation Army


That’s why I declare… I am the original Genpreneur and I won’t back down!

Justin talked about his relationship with Mike Koenigs. And would you believe interviewing Mike was one of the last things I got to enjoy before we were trafficked out of San Diego? That interview somehow got deleted too, but no matter. All that has been stolen will be restored.

These memories remind me who I was before the drama began. It played a huge role in rebooking my soul to repurpose the yuck of the past into my focus now. And I cannot overstate the joy of being a part of Justin’s mastermind. He offers so many tools that level up my game. I learned about him through Krisstina Wise, another of my mentors. I encourage you to jump in and start listening to both. Though I can no longer count the number of interviews of mine that have been deleted or otherwise disappeared, it has not deterred me from getting back up again and again. And look at us sharing time together because of it. I truly appreciate you and am grateful to God that He led you here.


Relocate your inner child? That day is dead! Join the revolution at and relocate your inner mom. I dare you! Aligned with purpose? Engaging best parenting practices? Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success & share #CoWkSavesAChild.

I’m Adelaide. Thanks for joining me.