Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


The Big Lie

Ironically, this is only one among many quotes from Dr. King that blanket lawns on Capitol Hill. The 2nd most prominent sign I saw read, “Thank you Dr. Fauci!”

Walking those neighborhoods for years in search of justice, I might have been distracted by a false sense that those who are just still lead with godliness and believe in dignity for humanity and the animal kingdom. But the evidence I witnessed proves the exact opposite.

Denying our right to choose before our voices can be heard enabled us to remain homeless due to trafficking for over a decade. It also allows democrat and republican law makers and unelected officials to literally cannibalize you without you having a clue that you are paying them to thru the power of your purse.  That’s the end game behind their rhetoric “My body. My choice” “It’s a woman’s right to choose…”


What are they hiding?

Thanks to the footage released by David Robert Daleiden even the U.S. Supreme Court took abortion away from the Federal government because it was never their right to decide who lives or dies in the first place. (See page 18).

Daleiden used a 2020 report by Chris Wallace as a foundation for his undercover work. Believe it or not, before she became aware that her national operation had been outed, still pretending it stood for human life, Gloria Feldt, then President of Planned Parenthood praised Wallace’s report saying,

Where there is wrongdoing, it should be prosecuted and the people who are doing that kind of thing should be brought to justice.


It was Gloria’s “wrongdoing” that led to David’s valiant reporting, so I couldn’t agree with her more. It even caused her Octoxic government partners in California to ignore the story in 2020’s original report, our constitution and U.S. law putting that innocent man alone behind bars, where he sits to this day. This sent a chill through the spine of nearly every objective reporter in America. But that’s also when a spot light got shined on the real agenda. Where other cultures have abandoned the evil practice America seems desperate to return to aborting our children to then cannibalize us all.

According to the Thomas More Society close to 100% of FACE act prosecutions target pregnancy care clinics, and those who agree with their mission. Even though the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) doesn’t require their Frankenstein partners to say so on consumer labels, it is easier than you think to figure it out. Its so prevalent that rather than searching for which of the major corporations include baby body parts in their ingredients, focus on which ones don’t. More importantly in this election season, where do Harris and Trump stand on this issue?

Finally, their long game is out in the open, and the solution is in the power of your purse. And that’s where we come in. The National Mom Challenge is about having the hard conversations that lead us to getting our legacy back! And that includes prosecuting those who exploit and murder our children before cannibalizing us while staying on the government payroll. Its time we got granular about where we spend our money. Welcome to the revolution!


Relocate your inner child? That day is dead! Join the revolution at and relocate your inner mom. I dare you! Aligned with purpose? Engaging best parenting practices? Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success & share #CoWkSavesAChild.

I’m Adelaide. Thanks for joining me.