When His people take ground

Speaking of just laws in America, I found it compelling to learn that a lawyer went to church just to get clients. He was not a believer. But while studying American cases Charles Grandison Finney kept finding references to the Bible, prompting him to read it for himself. He mocked the Church so much that when he came in crying and wanting to change his life, the congregation was in shock. Yet seeing the comparison between God’s Word and the continuity in the law, his life was transformed. He became just as bold about waking people up before it was too late.

The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics or The Lord will curse them… Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this matter. But the time has come when they must act differently… Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you He does see it – and He will bless or curse this nation according to the course they Christians take in politics.

When His people give up ground

It turns out Gavin Newson is trying to end parent’s rights. California Assembly Bill 1955 and District policies now require public schools to lie to parents about sex transition curriculum. https://www.thomasmoresociety.org/news/california-federal-court-issues-order-blocking-school-from-forcing-teachers-to-lie-to-parents?utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz–utbRcCXiE3kzZgkjgq6yeRyeBzojKXpqDiOdHOKLNJmQqc8eDamdj3o17bquP5V33XEGG8VHHHVyHAru-iVCaA2_F8A&_hsmi=316931553&utm_content=316931553&utm_source=hs_email

Paul Jonna, Special Counsel for the More Society took the case against Escondido Union School District to Federal court on behalf of families and teachers stating.

Traditionally, educators have been viewed as highly significant players in a child’s development, partnering with parents—not supplanting them—in the incredibly important responsibility of raising children. The State of California and the Escondido Union School District have created an unconscionable scenario where it pits these two key influencers in a child’s life against one another by putting up an intentional curtain of dishonesty between them.

Thanks to Judge Roger T. Benitez’s, deciding on behalf of the United States District Court for the Southern District of California a preliminary ruling was issued denying Octoxic government parents a right to move forward with the Governor’s dictate until the issue has been reviewed. Calling it a “trifecta of harm”. Agreeing with teachers the order declares,

Mirabelli and West face an unlawful choice along the line of: ‘lose your faith and keep your job, or keep your faith and lose your job. Further stating, it harms the parents by depriving them of the long-recognized fourteenth Amendment right to care, guide and make health care decision for their children. And finally, it harms plaintiffs [teachers] who are compelled to violate the parent’s rights

Whose legacy is your young one mastering? Theirs or yours?

Relocate your inner child? That day is dead! Join the revolution at www.NationalMomChallenge.com and relocate your inner mom. I dare you! Aligned with purpose? Engaging best parenting practices? Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success & share #CoWkSavesAChild.