Within weeks of my birth, CBS and Sony launched a series of shows that put a spell on dumbed down American viewers, that included Bewitched. The intention was to break down natural defenses and replace them with what wasn’t.

Through tel-a-vision we’ve been taught to feel at ease with dark arts cloaked in comedy, music and makeup. Those who are intimate with The Holy Spirit see through the camouflage in this modern excerpt of the Bible, twisted for maximum shock factor.

Saul then said to his advisers, “Find a woman who is a medium, so I can go and ask her what to do.” His advisers replied, “There is a medium at Endor.” So, Saul disguised himself by wearing ordinary clothing instead of his royal robes. Then he went to the woman’s home at night, accompanied by two of his men. “I have to talk to a man who has died,” he said. “Will you call up his spirit for me?” “Are you trying to get me killed?” the woman demanded. “You know that Saul has outlawed all the mediums and all who consult the spirits of the dead. Why are you setting a trap for me?” But Saul took an oath in the name of the LORD and promised, “As surely as the LORD lives, nothing bad will happen to you for doing this.” Finally, the woman said, “Well, whose spirit do you want me to call up?” “Call up Samuel,” Saul replied…

1 Samuel 28:7-11


In the show God’s own Prophet Samuel becomes witch Samantha disguised as an innocent young wife. Endor, a city known for its dark arts is the name of her mother Endora. Replacing the truth and setting the stage for occult worship nationwide, those like Peter the pedophile saturated my generation with afterschool re-programming. When it comes to Octoxic curriculum, failed schools penetrate young minds way beyond formal classroom settings. 


Bewitching me

Taught by his mother and similar to the show, Peter is such a skilled actor that he garners favor with any pastor he meets. Not because his senses are so shark. Theirs are so dull that they do not know who they willingly leave in charge of the children, whose theater they are promoting or whose books they are selling. Yet I NEVER saw a single child want to know The Messiah as a result, because freedom has NEVER been his goal for them. I tell you failed schools include churches run by Octoxans. It was amidst his performance that we met and were married on an active military vessel. In this election cycle what should matter based on their track record in office is where Harris and Trump stand on this issue.

When our audience saw Black children lead him down the isle with his best man following behind, his reputation as a minister of renown was sealed.  No one questioned how an unknown civilian could wield such unprecedented power over the U.S. Navy. Our pay to play nuptials began an over 30-yr stint of me being bewitched off camera.


Flanked on both ends and standing over me were 4 of his 10 sisters who I met for the first time at my wedding. Running programs for teen mothers, having advanced degrees in social work, and earning a living through their involvement with infants, children and troubled youth, the entire family was heavily investment in church. No one knew they were also part of a line of German Irish Catholic satanists from Wisconsin.

Since we allow it the underworld is among us the same way it was thousands of years ago, prompting this unusual conversation with God.

The Landowner’s servants came to him and said, “Master, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Then where did the weeds come from?” He replied to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants asked Him, “Then do You want us to go and pull them out?” ‘No,’ He answered, ‘because as you gather the weeds you might pull up some of the wheat along with them.’

Matthew 13:27-29


Raised by a deeply disturbed mother I couldn’t see anything abnormal at first. Strange behaviors were not new to me. Being left out of the details was normal. Never given 1 dime to explore beyond the pedophile who faithfully met me after school, and using his own key to Mother’s front door throughout my childhood, I was raised so predators like the Zindlers could easily test and refine their mind control methods to increase their advantage over me.

Thankfully, God used another troubled childhood to prepare his minister, so when I turned 4-yrs old Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood came on the scene. Which of the 3 Parent Aqua Alters was he?

In the segment of Bewitched above, you’ll see the performer make promises that seem sincere. Peter’s family appeared to be the same. Like the mother-in-law in the show everything in our lives centered around his mother too. But no matter because one of my spiritual mentors hooked me up.

Most churches in the world are separated and divided because of witches in the intercessory prayer circle… Before you can get a nation back on their feet you first have to get um on their knees.

Prophet Bobby Conner

Shepard’s Rod for 2024


Relocate your inner child? That day is dead! Join the revolution at www.NationalMomChallenge.com and relocate your inner mom. I dare you! Aligned with purpose? Engaging best parenting practices? Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success & share #CoWkSavesAChild.

I’m Adelaide. Thanks for joining me.