Who should define the rules? Octoxic parents in the media, on Capitol Hill, in corporations, those controlling our children’s thought lives and ours…?


Corporations we work for

In her column for the Epoch Times titled, Why the future of work is hybrid Samantha Flom points out that employers are losing the battle to keep workers inside their buildings full time, with more than ½ preferring to work from home. At first glance this sounds like the American way. In many parts of the world where dictators rule, it is understood that everyone except them, gets monitored and controlled or else. Today these regimes threaten the USA, because they are trying to operate in secret.

Creativity is what we were born for. Our God-given freedom is what millions fight to cross our borders to experience. Ignoring the dark arts being deployed against us has finally put us all at risk.

Everyone is becoming aware of the stranger danger in sending children to schools that we are not a part of. By ignoring our most vulnerable a generation has been guided away from us, our values and the need for our existence as well as their own. And they have been taught to use that single reengineered voice to vote. Instead of Bibles they learn from bullies. In coverage of “How your boss is watching you” Bobby Allyn reporting for NPR reveals how easy this generation is to manipulate at work  and at home.

Government employees that work for us

Living on Capitol Hill in search of justice where the plan-demic started, I’m gonna take a minute to vent.

I was shocked by how fast dictator and slave mindsets became synonyms. Both Black and White workers seized the opportunity to put verbal shackles on D.C. locals. On the bus an elderly woman acting like his master gestured toward a teenager to put his mask on. He looked at me confused and then complied.

Sitting in a grocery store lobby another elderly woman got close enough to my face to greet me with a kiss, asking me if I had been tested for the corona virus (before industry push back forced them to change the name). While walking, a government employee yelled at me from across the street. Even young employees got into the act. The loudest bull horn I’d ever heard shouted out new demands from the U.S. Capitol like it was Communist China. Overnight our tax dollars had been used to train a flash mob in how to turn America into a foreign regime. Already well-rehearsed around the world implementation was swift.

On the other hand, I learned that seasoned and honorable government employees were being replaced, new ones hired that were suddenly paid to also stay home. This occurred so often that in D.C. Maryland and Virginia I was approached with the assumption that I was one of them, when I kept hearing,

“Isn’t it wonderful being able to be off in the morning like this?

I don’t care what is happening in the rest of the country.”


Imagining everyone they saw worked for the government, they never stopped celebrating long enough to wait for my response. The officials we elect to destroy us are where our emphasis should be. From the 6-yrs I spent living and walking around Capitol Hill in search of justice, it’s the infestation of unelected although deeply embedded government staffers that also need extraction.

No one fought to get inside any of the borders I’ve crossed into. Still, all of them required me to prove my intent and self-sustainability before letting me inside. Shouldn’t we?

Could eliminating our national debt be as simple as aligning the budget with actual costs, rather than paying for people, work product and services that don’t exist? And recovering our losses from leaders who have made a career of increasing their wealth by rerouting ours?

I subscribe to OpenTheBooks.com and in a recent report Adam Andrzejewski describes a rule that the late Senator Tom Coburn required Obama to agree with. As a result, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimates that the Coburn Rule has saved us nearly $670 Billion since it passed 11-yrs ago. All because they now supposed to report wasteful spending by cutting programs that aren’t needed. The infrastructure is now in place to identify some of this on paper. But having boots on the ground fills in the rest of the gaps. In this election cycle what matters based on their track record in office is where do Harris and Trump stand on this issue?


Are schools working against us?

In an interview with Thomas Roberts, PhD, former Head of Child and Family Studies at San Diego State University, I was shocked when he said my child didn’t need preschool.

In his position that was a bold statement that flies in the face of the U.S. Department of education, and divulges their greatest fear, the loss of control over 14,000 school districts nationwide. Its time to stop failed schools.

Instead of dumbing them down, what happens when our children graduate with the competitive edge on the global stage once more? What would it look like if they were free to explore their creativity again?

What if they are capable of more than coding and stem classes? Educators have suppressed their potential for so long we’ve forgotten it wasn’t the government that invented crayons, chairs, desks, airplanes, appliances, duck tape, bras, sandwiches, ice cream… You name it! Nothing gets imagined by a rouge government other than how to take more control. Creativity come from God to earth through us and our children. Yet, Peter the pedophile and his global network are attempting to rule over every single one of us. But now that I’m woke to it, I no longer study Octoxan’s social media playbook or turn to those who follow it when I have a question. Instead, I choose life. The National Mom Challenge exists to provide you with a platform for relocating your inner mom too.

Written to inform democrat strategists, her column Black and Hispanic Voters Say Democrats Aren’t Focused Enough on K-12 Education, Lauren Camera warns them that minority parents in swing states are rethinking how the party treats their children and their education, when she writes, “Congressional Democrats are at risk of shedding a critical voting bloc in swing states… their concerns about improving public education and increasing access to schools beyond their zip codes are falling on deaf ears.”

I challenge her notion. It has been my professional observation that they have a-l-w-a-y-s had minority children top of mind, and their outcomes prove it. Check out my column titled, “When China speaks for us” for a preview of what they are planning against us next.

Born in Houston’s inner city of 5th Ward I should have been the evidence. But it wasn’t the environment outside that set the tone for me. It was my grandparents who had already raised a chemist, a pharmacist, business owners… An inter-disciplinary learning environment surrounded me from the womb. There wasn’t a question I could ask that someone sitting in the living room couldn’t answer. I didn’t understand the significance as a small child. Schools did their best to crush my creativity but it was already firmly established and increased as my purpose got exposed.

Many of the experts I collaborated with before my daughter was born couldn’t wait to experiment on her because of what they saw first hand in my outcomes. I had no idea, until one of them laid eyes on my newborn, grabbed her and practically ran away with my child. Before I got pregnant this pediatrician and I met monthly at her request, treating me to lunch to discuss how we could collaborate. I stood there stunned by her unsolicited sense of authority over us both. We didn’t know each other like that. She went through every well baby tool in her toy chest and when she finished, she was without words. I wasn’t down with allopathy so I didn’t care what she discovered, but her look proved she was impressed.

On another occasion a private school principal started testing her also without my permission, asking her to read the cursive on her desk. We hadn’t practiced other people’s penmanship but when she easily did so that administrator was left speechless.

How important is it to have a strategy before inviting any of them to join your team? After learning the hard way, I find it fundamental to being a Genpreneur. We keep what matters most close and delegate the rest.

Living on Capitol Hill while trying to get justice in the Octoxic system we call courts, I learned why Black children and men are under such heavy assault. And I’ve spent a lot of time watching lions caged in the zoo because animals have always been my daughter’s favorite pass time. I’ve heard males roar. When the high school band passed by our street all the boys were in unison in a sound that surpassed those beasts, making the ground shake. Neighbors White and Black stood on their doorsteps to listen to what left all of us breathless.

I couldn’t help but imagine what will happen when the truth can no longer be hidden from them. When they become woke to the lies they have been fed, they won’t be afraid of whether they’ll reach adulthood. They will no longer search for more drugs to drown their pain from a post-slavery south ruling over them, from Bowser, congress, the senate or the White House, because Heaven will come down at their house. And they won’t need guns when they become masters of their weapons in waiting.

Where their ancestors and mine nursed other people’s babies and their slave bodies built the walls of the historical buildings in our Nation’s Capitol, some of them buried inside, our Black males will send forth the roar that will break Pharoah’s grip off them and America!

As Genpreneurs we do business with people we want to do life with.


Relocate your inner child? That day is dead! Join the revolution at www.NationalMomChallenge.com and relocate your inner mom. I dare you! Aligned with purpose? Engaging best parenting practices? Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success & share #CoWkSavesAChild.

I’m Adelaide. Thanks for joining me.