This speech was Dr. Martin Luther King’s last on this side of eternity. As I listened I heard the same concerns still unaddressed to this day. Watch between the time stamps of 15:15 – 18:36. 

There are any number of quotes that blanket front yards around Capitol Hill, penned by this Christian Evangelist and American leader assassinated just before my 4th birthday. Second to the number of those signs are ones that say, “Thank you Dr. Fauci!”

In light of the poverty that existed in America and dramatically increases in 2024 by human design Dr. King called on us to revisit sustaining all the needless military bases around the world. In my E-book Relocate Your Inner Mom I recount my experience with the U.S. military overseas, noting the conditions our service members and their children endure because of what they face if they dare to tell us. This was proven when Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller was jailed by the Marines in 2021 for doing just that.

The National Mom Challenge stands with you Lieutenant Colonel. In my column titled Bewitched I open up with photo evidence that the military has long been taken over by our enemies who decimate us for global sport. Our experienced of being trafficked by the U.S. government in the Middle East affirms your point. Know that Peter and the pedophiles will be brought to justice. We are at war and I thank God for Americans like you who have our back. Now its time we had yours.

Instead of funding regime changes, commercial interests of those on Capitol Hill and their lobbyists, let’s reallocate those dollars to restore dignity to 

  • Native Alaskans, Hawaiians and other 1st Nations tribes,
  • Black Americans,
  • Our vets and active service members who have no voice, 
  • Those abused and trafficked by Peter the pedophile and his global network, 
  • Tens of millions of children trafficked using illegal court orders nationwide…


These are what Dr. King would call “domestic colonies”. If we stopped funding those who are determined to expand these categories, what on earth could we do with our time?

I had to pause when my daughter took me to see a play in the Colonial State of Maryland. It was where I learned that shortly after Frederick Douglas and President Abraham Lincoln became friends, Lincoln was assassinated. He wife gave his walking stick to Douglas in honor of their newly formed alliance. 

After the two leaders were introduced, Dr. King and President Kennedy were also assassinated within months of each other. Coincidence?

My child then told me she’s never experienced the freedom conservative Americans keep describing. And how could she when trafficking and homelessness replaced her childhood?

When First nation’s people were and are still being enslaved on their own land, and Hawaiian natives cruelly relocated from theirs to Arizona, and on and on… by putting Black lives, illegal immigrant lives and others ahead of them we unknowingly endorse this barbaric behavior, when we need each other more now than ever. In this election season, what matters based on their track record in office is where do Harris and Trump stand on this issue?


Relocate your inner child? That day is dead!  Join the revolution at and relocate your inner mom. I dare you! Aligned with purpose? Engaging best parenting practices? Let’s be the media our children learn from. Screen shot success & share #CoWkSavesAChild. 

I’m Adelaide. Thanks for joining me.