Relocate your inner mom

$ 11

I’d rather be playing in tar in the middle of the street!   This was the answer a Stanford-certified genius gave when Adelaide asked  him about being in school. Many of her clients would also agree if given the  chance. Does he sound like your child?   Parents in this post-COVID era know that they’re relying on outdated  strategies that didn’t seem to work before, and certainly don’t now. From bad  grades, poor behavior, fear of failure, medication… and worse, with so many  failing schools we all know it’s time for a change. Find your inner child? That  day is dead!   In her new book Relocate Your Inner Mom Adelaide reveals

Product Description

I’d rather be playing in tar in the middle of the street!   This was the answer a Stanford-certified genius gave when Adelaide asked him about being in school. Many of her clients would also agree if given the  chance. Does he sound like your child?   Parents in this post-COVID era know that they’re relying on outdated strategies that didn’t seem to work before, and certainly don’t now. From bad grades, poor behavior, fear of failure, medication… and worse, with so many failing schools we all know it’s time for a change. Find your inner child? That day is dead!   In her new book Relocate Your Inner Mom Adelaide reveals the solution she has found to revolutionize learning, family, and enterprise, strategies that will help mend relationships and begin restoring parenting best practices.   Introducing the Aqua Alters, three quirky characters: OctoxicTwitter Platty and Porpocity that will resonate with children and parents alike. In an innovative approach to disciplining your little ones, Frizzamyer is a child-proof catch-all term she repurposed to replace the often painful labels experts place upon children. While co-working with her daughter she coined  the term Genpreneur that causing corporate executives to stand in applause. Meet the mom pediatric experts begged for help. Featured on ABC, Fox and in  her own documentary Adelaide piloted the classroom of the future, facilitated  corporate coaching groups and sponsored events for childcare providers and  physicians. Then completely blindsided by her husband and pastor, suddenly this mom  found herself trafficked to protect her daughter from his global network.  Overcoming the unimaginable, through book-based group coaching she  shows you how to decree a blessing that allows God to speak one over your  outcomes too!


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