God’s Happy Thought


Product Description

The pages that follow invite you to hear the heart of God through a T.V. show called, Its Supernatural!
The day I left the church, I encountered Heaven. Intimacy with God and my increasing level of trust in Him grew to the point that in three days’ time, He and I edited the interviews and transcribed the quotes for this book, so you could read His happy thoughts.

Huge sections were removed like commercials before a movie, so He could enjoy some alone time with you. It results in a story of love that silences other voices, allowing you to learn what He wants you to. After the American Church officially shut its doors in 2020, it became necessary for you and I to get to know Him for ourselves.

He taught me to take my thoughts captive the same way He does. So, terminology that is normally capitalized, you will find in lower case; while His name is always lifted up. Without grammar as the focus, you’ll read terms heard around the world, country talk, slang, proper speech… Demonstrating how much He loves our authenticity, you’ll hear God respond in each person’s vernacular. I learned that words matter a lot, as well as what a true testimony sounds like to Him. While we all have stories to tell, the ones He pointed me to center on what He does in the earth that draws us closer to Him.

The most fun I had while co-working with God on this project, was experiencing His intoxicating sense of humor. We played a game of word search, where I identified the headings He wanted for each quote. I’d scroll down line by line, and He’d let me know where to stop. Then, because He’s child-like too, when I came to a topic that really excited me sensing I was hearing from Him, He’d switch to freeze tag just before I could jot it down.

Rebecca Greenwood has a ministry of deliverance for troubled children. It’s a topic that hit a personal pain point, so He lightened the burden redirecting my focus with humor. Thinking I’d found what He wanted me to emphasize, suddenly I realized it would be an entirely different section. He constantly moved the bar on me and still does today. Starting to sense when He was about to do it again, I would laugh so hard!

God said He would be our children’s Teacher, resulting in them having great peace (Isaiah 54:13). Invite Him to read this book with you and your child. Respond by focusing on what gets their attention. Take a break when they signal their need for one. Since it’s a space that belongs to them, let teachable moments smash your box of what Heaven requires. Set aside your agenda, your history and the rules other people play by. Expect you and God to interact with your litle one on a higher level than you do now.

You’ll encounter stealing, killing and destruction, because this is planet earth. Ask God to show you His heart for how to remove the threats from your home. Let your eternal sense of purpose be awakened by combining Mark Virkler’s steps to dreaming, along with Joan Hunter’s tool for discovering witty inventions. Enjoy cycling through Dr. Caroline Leaf’s 7 pillars of thought, from Psalms 9:1. Upgrade your concept of the kitchen with Cherie Calbom. Or ride along when Barbie Breathit mistakes God’s voice for her horse. With so many heavenly resources to choose from, my daughter and I co-created our curriculum with take-a-ways from these interviews. So do share yours.

Use the quotes you’re about to read, to assess where your family is spiritually. Have fun. Invite Him to create a game out of something you guys do on a routine basis. The Holy Spirit likes games a lot!
Here’s a version of “Hid and Seek” my daughter taught me to play with Him when I was first getting to know Him, because she already did.

I asked God to pick an object in the room. Then I tried to find it by moving around the room with my eyes until He pointed out to my sole what He was focusing on. I was so afraid, confused… I’m not even sure of a word for what the experience was like the first time. I never knew He was approachable. After a few times of trying this I began to sense Him communicating with me without words. It started my life on the wild side and I have never looked back!


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