My Journal

Category : Parental Relations

Thank you Daniel

Thank you Daniel

[embed][/embed] Child abduction is common in our culture yet a surprising few understand where it often starts. For many of us it begins right in our own homes. I get into the weeds in our E-Book Relocate Your Inner Mom, so I won’t ...

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Do schools kill creativity

Do schools kill creativity

[embed][/embed] Edward Zigler, PhD, retired professor and child psychologist from Yale University credited with starting Head Start, admits the dismal failure of his decades-long child experiment,...

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Rage ruled until Horton…

Rage ruled until Horton…

Dodie Horton introduced the 6-page House Bill #71 which now mandates that the 10 Commandments, the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, and the Northwest Ordinance be restored to Louisiana public schools. This marks the 1st State in the union to do so, based in par...

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