My Journal

Archive : September 2024

Waking up to Soros

Waking up to Soros

Whether Soros is directly involved in this too, you can be certain his global network is. His foundation's recalibration to the global south reflects the failure of democracy promotion on the continent. The Soros organization is a philanthropy run by a single person: first Geo...

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Why pay 4 child hate?

Why pay 4 child hate?

  Sacramento City School District is attacking Black and minority rights to choose. Studied for decades one of Gavin Newsom's Octoxic strongholds over California, is threatening parental choice. The target is St. Hope being forced to hire, pay, recruit... only who the gov...

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Who invited you?

Who invited you?

We can manufacture enough diagnostic labels… we can continually supply medication to you… But when it comes to manufacturing disease, nobody does it like psychiatry. Dr. Stefan Kruszwelski, Pennsylvania Medical Society, Psychiatrist 2004 How this outsider views pediatri...

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